Beyond the Numbers
Our Beyond the Numbers blog is published with articles on a monthly basis.
Tax Planning: Now More Important Than Ever
by Integrated Tax Services | Taxes
Thankfully it’s not too late to try and minimize your taxes for 2023. If you haven’t scheduled a tax planning session, now is a great time to do so. Here's how a tax planning session can potentially help your situation: It can make a difference. This is especially...
Important Information about the 2023 Oregon Tax Kicker
by Integrated Tax Services | Taxes
On October 9, the Oregon Department of Revenue confirmed Oregon taxpayers will receive part of a record-breaking $5.6 billion kicker state tax credit in 2024 when they file their 2023 state personal income tax return. What is the Oregon Tax Kicker? The Oregon Tax...
Reselling Tickets for Profit? Be Prepared to Pay Taxes.
by Integrated Tax Services | Taxes
A new IRS reporting threshold went into effect this year for transactions on third-party platforms, such as Ticketmaster or StubHub. Now, if you sold even one ticket for as little as $600 more than you paid, your ticket sale is reported. Previously the threshold was...
Tips to Be Money Smart with Your Vehicle
by Integrated Tax Services | Family, Individual
The average new car payment surged to $725 per month at the beginning of 2023, compared to an average of $650 per month throughout all of 2022, according to Experian's State of the Automotive Finance Market Report for Quarter 2 of 2023. While some of this spike is due...
Unique Employee Benefits to Differentiate Your Business
by Integrated Tax Services | Business
New customers aren't the only group of people you may be trying to attract to your business. It can be as equally challenging - maybe even more so - to attract and retain quality employees. In fact, 40% of business owners say they have job openings they couldn't fill,...
Your Online Identity is Not Your Own!
by Integrated Tax Services | Security
Here's how companies use information about you and what you can do to protect it One of the most valuable things you own is YOU. Your identity and related information includes the basics - where you live, your age, and your gender. But it also includes your interests,...
5 Great Money Ideas
by Integrated Tax Services | Individual, Personal Finance, Retirement
Here are 5 great money tips to help you get ahead or move into a better financial position. Make savings automatic. Take steps to make your savings happen automatically. Setting up automatic transfers for a certain day of the month or payday can help you shore up...
The IRS is NOT Always Right
by Integrated Tax Services | Taxes
Think twice about automatically paying the amount due on a notice Here are several quotes from actual IRS correspondence that serves as evidence that our national tax collection agency is not always right: Thank you for your correspondence. We currently do not have a...
Tax Court Corner – Three Cases, Three Great Tips
by Integrated Tax Services | Taxes, Uncategorized
Here’s a roundup of several recent tax court cases and what they mean for you. Blogging for Taxes (Thomas v. Commissioner of IRS, 160 T.C. No. 4) The innocent spouse relief rule allows one spouse to avoid paying taxes caused by the other spouse due to their actions on...
Taxes: Knowing the Basics is Key
by Integrated Tax Services | Taxes
It's the starting point to saving money Understanding how our tax system works can be tricky for anyone. Whether you're an adult who never paid much attention to the taxes being withheld from your paycheck or a kid who just got his or her first job, the starting point...