Take a Look at Better Savings Rates

Take a Look at Better Savings Rates

A silver lining to continued interest rate hikes by the Federal Reserve is being able to earn more interest on cash stashed in your savings accounts. How much interest, exactly, you can earn depends on where you do your banking. Consider these tips to earn as much...
Shield Your Emergency Fund From Inflation

Shield Your Emergency Fund From Inflation

Most financial experts suggest keeping three to six months worth of household expenses in savings to help in case of emergency. But with record inflation, that task just got a lot harder to accomplish as virtually every safe place to put your emergency funds will not...
Make Your Cash Worth More

Make Your Cash Worth More

Banking tips to help you cash in One of the side benefits of inflation is that banks are finally beginning to pay interest on your savings. Here are some ideas to help you make the most of your banked cash: Understand your bank accounts. Not all bank accounts are...
Layering Your Bank Accounts

Layering Your Bank Accounts

Time for the classic banking approach to make a comeback? For years, savings and checking accounts provided very little in the way of interest income. In our current inflationary times, however, interest rates are on the rise. What is also on the rise is the comeback...
Banking Tips to Help You Cash In

Banking Tips to Help You Cash In

Your cash is parked in a bank account. Do you know if it’s making or losing you money? Here are some ideas to help you make the most of your banked cash: Understand your bank accounts. Not all bank accounts are created equal. Interest rates, monthly fees,...