Banking Tips to Help You Cash In

Banking Tips to Help You Cash In

Your cash is parked in a bank account. Do you know if it’s making or losing you money? Here are some ideas to help you make the most of your banked cash: Understand your bank accounts. Not all bank accounts are created equal. Interest rates, monthly fees,...
How to Find the Best Bank for You

How to Find the Best Bank for You

A checking account at one bank is the same as a checking account at another bank, right? Well, maybe not. There are several things to consider as you decide what’s really important to you in selecting a bank. Let’s take a look… The online bank versus...
A Happy Banker Makes for a Happy Business

A Happy Banker Makes for a Happy Business

With the onset of COVID-19, small business banks are more nervous about potential loan losses than ever. Here are several tips for your business to maintain a great working relationship with your lender. These same tips can also be used if you want to plant seeds with...