Effective Tax Planning Starts Now!

Effective Tax Planning Starts Now!

With summertime activities in full swing, tax planning is probably not on the top of your to-do list. But putting it off creates a problem at the end of the year when there’s little time for changes to take effect. If you take the time to plan now, you’ll have six...
Manage Capital Gains Tax Tips

Manage Capital Gains Tax Tips

If not tracked and managed properly, capital gains tax can come as a large surprise at tax-filing time. In fact, many taxpayers don’t realize they have a capital gain until they get their 1099 form in January and see a capital gain distribution. Here’s...
Dramatic Sales Tax Change

Dramatic Sales Tax Change

The U.S. Supreme Court issued a ruling in the South Dakota vs Wayfair case that opens the door for states to impose sales tax on sellers outside their borders. The case highlights a new standard of business presence called “economic nexus” that may have...
Ideas to Improve Your Financial Health

Ideas to Improve Your Financial Health

No one likes to be blindsided by financial hardship. Listed here are 10 ideas to help ensure your financial situation stays healthy. Create a safety net. Plan to have a minimum savings balance to cover at least three months’ of expenses (ideally, this should be...