Year-End Tax Cutting Ideas

Year-End Tax Cutting Ideas

Yes, there are moves you can make to reduce your taxable income. But the year is quickly coming to a close, so plan accordingly. Tax loss harvesting. If you own stock outside a tax-deferred retirement plan, you can sell your under-performing stocks by December 31 and...
5 Great Things to Know about IRAs

5 Great Things to Know about IRAs

IRA’s can be a powerful tool to lower taxes all while saving for retirement or other predetermined uses. Here are five fairly unreported things to know about IRA’s. A nonworking spouse can have an IRA. If your spouse doesn’t work, you may still...
Banking Tips to Help You Cash In

Banking Tips to Help You Cash In

Your cash is parked in a bank account. Do you know if it’s making or losing you money? Here are some ideas to help you make the most of your banked cash: Understand your bank accounts. Not all bank accounts are created equal. Interest rates, monthly fees,...
Five Great Money Tips

Five Great Money Tips

Creating a sound financial foundation for you and your family is anything but easy. With low interest rates as an incentive to borrow more and even lower interest rates on savings accounts is it any wonder that it’s tough to retain the discipline to save? Here...
Six Home Ownership Tax Benefits

Six Home Ownership Tax Benefits

If you own or are considering purchasing a home, you can take advantage of many tax benefits. Here are six of the most commonly used homeowner tax breaks: Check Mortgage interest deduction. You can deduct the interest you pay in your monthly mortgage bill when you...