At the beginning of June, Heidi, and Daron (The Difference) took a trip to Africa to experience and spotlight the amazing work done by The Global Sojourns Giving Circle (GSGC), the nonprofit of which Heidi is treasurer. GSGC is a local nonprofit that provides grants to community-based organizations who provide mentorship to youth, with a focus on empowering girls and the ultimate goal of breaking the cycle of poverty.
After three flights and a full 24 hours of traveling, Heidi and Daron made it to their destination in Zimbabwe. Once there, they spent time with many of the wonderful GSGC mentors. They experienced how they live their lives and their day-to-day routines. They experienced the Girls Club, the pillar of GSGC work, a mentorship program for young African girls. In most African countries, girls have very little control over their life and future. The GSGC mentorship programs help transform the lives of young girls by giving them opportunity, education, and empowerment. Heidi and Daron also had the opportunity to experience the new Boys Clubs, a group designed to shift the mindset and help create a future where educated African women and men stand side by side as equals, lifting their families out of poverty and stopping the cycle of abuse.
While on their trip they also visited Victoria Falls, one of the biggest waterfalls in the world and had the opportunity to see many amazing animals while on Safari.
“If I had to distill it down to one main takeaway, it is how powerful it can be to have a consistent and inspiring mentor in a young life. When you talk to the kids it is so evident the amount of personal growth, confidence, and passion for what they want to achieve in life. They had vision for possibilities and that was not by chance. This vision had been cultivated, enriched and nurtured by the relationships they have with GSGC. As Heidi says- it’s easy to make a decision when you have vision. “