Thanks for attending the Team Appreciation event at Alderbrook Park. We had a total of 64 team members and loved ones attend. It was a fun-filled day of getting to know one another better, the activities were plentiful, the food was great, and the weather was comfortable.
We appreciate you taking the post-event survey we sent out and sharing your feedback with us so we can make future events even better.

Here’s what we learned:
The favorite thing about the event for many team members was us being able to spend time out of the office with our teammates and being able to meet their loved ones.
“Just getting to see everyone in a relaxed environment and to meet their family and friends.”
“Great to meet all of the family members and catching up with team members outside of the office.”
“Being together as a team outdoors.”
“Seeing everyone relaxed and learning more about each other.”
“FINALLY getting to introduce and share work friends with my family.”
“Varity of activities available.”
“Eating good food and playing games and creating memories with my teammates.”

The majority enjoyed having the event at Alderbrook Park. Here are some suggestions for future venues:
Oaks Park, Top Golf, Edgefield, George Rogers Park in Lake Oswego, Portland Zoo, Big Als, kayak outing, Steamboat ride out of the Gorge, Chelahatchie Train ride or Esther Short Park.

Additional comments:
“It was a low-key, fun event. Perfect for our group. Not organized fun.”
“Try to avoid busy weekends (Hood to Coast).”
“A few group activities would be great for some teambuilding and interaction.”
“I liked the combination of an area for people to sit, eat and chat but also lots of activities and things to do.”
“Form a committee for future team events and let team members sign-up.”