Building Connections is one of our core values. To help us stay better connected with one another, each quarter we feature a team member from each of the Ripple Companies. Get to know more about Brian Thomas (ITS), and Ellen Tennant (JBA).
Brian Thomas, ITS

What is your role in the Ripple Companies?
Tax Accountant II at Integrated Tax Services
What does a typical day look like for you?
I get up in the morning with my wife, Michelle, and we have coffee and breakfast, I drive into work with my favorite music to bring energy in right off the bat. I start the workday going through emails, projects, and the daily schedule and plan out my working day. General one or two requests from clients or other team members come in that I tackle as soon as possible. I try to have at least one meaningful conversation with another team member a day, social interactions help my mental health. When I head home to Michelle, we talk about our day over dinner and spend quality time with each other.
What aspect of your work makes you happiest?
I enjoy the communication with clients I meet. Some are great to talk to and like to share about their personal lives and how they got to where they are now.
When are you at your best?
I feel at my best when there is more pressure. During tax season I feel energized even in a stressful time to produce great work in a fast-paced environment.
Ellen Tennant, Johnson Bixby

What is your role in the Ripple Companies?
I am on the Client Service Team at Johnson Bixby
What does a typical day look like for you?
I usually start the day by checking messages, then processing time sensitive requests, then move to appointment preps or whatever workflows or projects have been assigned to me. There is always a variety of things to do, and no two days are alike!
What aspect of your work makes you happiest?
I enjoy collaborating with my teammates to meet complex client requests.
When are you at your best?
I work well under pressure and am at my best in the morning, after a cup of coffee!